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a different pole button switch is like this

Article source:Editor: Table of Contents:Technical informationClick rate:release time:2019-03-05 10:11:46

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   What is the button switch? The push button switch refers to a switch that pushes the transmission mechanism with a button to make the movable contact and the static contact open or close and realize circuit switching. The push button switch is a main electric appliance with a simple structure and a wide application. In the electrical automatic control circuit, it is used to manually send out control signals to control contactors, relays, electromagnetic starters, and the like.
  Speaking of the button switch, the following 徳嵩 electronic to introduce you to the electrical performance of the humidifier self-locking button switch:
  Contact resistance: Under the test specification value of DC 0.2V/1A with micro resistance meter, the contact resistance value should be less than 20mΩ
  Insulation resistance: The insulation resistance meter is measured at the open circuit terminal or the terminal of different circuit at the set value of DC 500V. The insulation resistance value should be greater than 100MΩ.
  Withstand voltage: When two terminals of different poles are open, they must pass the voltage resistance of 1500VAC for one minute. The terminal and the metal casing must pass the 3000VAC resistance voltage for one minute.
  Life test: Test voltage 250VAC Test current 80A, power factor 0.95, at a rate of 30 times per minute, can pass 9800 tests.

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